Deborah C. Stearns
Ph.D., Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, August 1994
Ph.D., Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, August 1994
Dissertation: "Easy virtue and immoral appetites: Desire in the impressions of moral actors"
Advisor: Dr. John Sabini
M.A., Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, May 1990
B.A., Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, May 1989, summa cum laude
- Proclamation from the Montgomery County Council in recognition of being named 2010 Maryland Professor of the Year, 2011
- On Her Shoulders We Stand award, Montgomery College Women’s Studies Program, 2011
- 2010 Maryland Professor of the Year, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
- National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Excellence Award, 2008
- Faculty Outstanding Service Award, Montgomery College, 2007
- Winner, 8th Annual Dissertation Competition, Capital Area Social Psychological Association, 1998
- National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship, 1990-1993
- Dean's Scholars award for outstanding academic achievement, University of Pennsylvania, 1988
- Phi Beta Kappa, University of Pennsylvania, 1988
- Dean's List, University of Pennsylvania, 1985-1989 (eight semesters)
- Professor, Psychology Department, Montgomery College; 2007- present.
- Co-Coordinator, Women’s Studies Program, Montgomery College; Fall 2007 semester.
- Associate Professor, Psychology Department, Montgomery College; 2002-2007.
- Adjunct Professor, Psychology Department, Georgetown University; 2007-present.
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Women’s Studies Program, Georgetown University; Spring 2002 semester.
- Instructor, Department of Women’s Studies, George Mason University; Spring 2002 and Spring 2003 semesters.
- Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Maryland University College; Fall 2002 semester.
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Psychology Department, Georgetown University; 1998-2001.
- Visiting Scholar, Women’s Studies Department, George Washington University; 2000-2002.
- Visiting Assistant Professor of Human Development, Graduate School of Education and Human Development, George Washington University; 1997-1998.
- Post Doctorate Research Associate, Prevention Research Center, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago; 1996-1997.
- Visiting Scholar, Committee on Human Development, University of Chicago; 1996-1997.
- Visiting Lecturer, University of Illinois at Chicago; 1996-1997.
- Instructor, Roosevelt University; Fall 1996.
- Post-Doctoral Fellow, Committee on Human Development, University of Chicago; 1994-1996 (NIMH grant PHS5T32MH19098, Culture and Mental Health training grant).
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Swarthmore College; Spring 1994.
- Instructor, University of Pennsylvania; Summer 1992, Fall 1993, Summer 1994.
- Teaching Assistant, University of Pennsylvania; 1990-1992.
- Introductory Psychology: University of Pennsylvania, Fall 1993; Georgetown University, Fall semesters 1998-2000, most semesters 2007-present; Montgomery College, most semesters Spring 2002-present
- Social Psychology: University of Pennsylvania, Summer 1992 and 1994; Swarthmore College, Spring 1994; Georgetown University, Spring and Summer 2001; Montgomery College, one or more sections annually 2004-present
- Theories of Personality: Georgetown University, Fall 1998 and 2000; UMUC Mid-Fall 2002-3 (online section)
- Theories of Social Behavior: Georgetown University, Fall 1999
- Human Growth and Development: Montgomery College, Spring 2002
- Psychology of Language: Georgetown University, Spring 1999
- Mind and Language: Georgetown University, Spring 2000
- Gender and Society: University of Illinois at Chicago, Fall 1996
- Psychology of Women: Roosevelt University, Fall 1996; Montgomery College, one or more sections most years 2004-present
- Psychology of Gender: Georgetown University, Spring semesters 1999-2002
- Gender and Culture: George Mason University, Spring 2002
- Representations of Women: George Mason University, Spring 2003
- Human Sexuality: Montgomery College, every Fall and Spring semester 2002-present
- Human Development: George Washington University, Spring and Summer, 1998
- Child Development: George Washington University, Fall, 1997
- Adolescence: George Washington University, Spring 1998, two sections
- Cross-Cultural Studies of Human Development: George Washington University, Fall 1997
- Topics in Social Power: University of Chicago, Spring 1996
Stearns, D. C., & Parrott, W. (2012). When feeling bad makes you look good: Guilt, shame, and person perception. Cognition & Emotion, 26, 407‑430. doi:10.1080/02699931.2012.675879
Stearns, D. C. (2011). A teaching-centered career for the aspiring intellectual. In Bubb, R., Stowell, J., & Buskist, W. (Eds.). (2011). The Teaching of Psychology in Autobiography: Perspectives from Exemplary Psychology Teachers (Vol. 4). E‑book on the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Division 2) website. Retrieved from
Stearns, D. C. (2003). Anger and aggression. In P. S. Fass (Ed). Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood: In History and Society. Macmillan Reference Books.
Stearns, D. C. (2003). Guilt and shame. In P. S. Fass (Ed). Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood: In History and Society. Macmillan Reference Books.
Stearns, D. C. (2003). Grief, death and funerals. In P. S. Fass (Ed). Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood: In History and Society. Macmillan Reference Books.
Stearns, D. C., & Sabini, J. (1997). Dyadic adjustment and community involvement in same-sex couples. Journal of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity, 2, 265-283.
Stearns, D. C. (1995). Gendered sexuality: The privileging of sex and gender in sexual orientation. The National Women's Studies Association Journal, 7(1), 8-29.
Stearns, P. N., & Stearns, D. C. (1994). Historical issues in emotions research: Causation and timing. Social Perspectives on Emotion, 2, 239-266.
Stearns, P. N., & Stearns, D. C. (1994). Biology and culture: Toward a new combination. Contention: Debates in Society, Culture, and Science, 3(2), 29-53.
Stearns, D. C. (2011). A teaching-centered career for the aspiring intellectual. In Bubb, R., Stowell, J., & Buskist, W. (Eds.). (2011). The Teaching of Psychology in Autobiography: Perspectives from Exemplary Psychology Teachers (Vol. 4). E‑book on the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Division 2) website. Retrieved from
Stearns, D. C. (2003). Anger and aggression. In P. S. Fass (Ed). Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood: In History and Society. Macmillan Reference Books.
Stearns, D. C. (2003). Guilt and shame. In P. S. Fass (Ed). Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood: In History and Society. Macmillan Reference Books.
Stearns, D. C. (2003). Grief, death and funerals. In P. S. Fass (Ed). Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood: In History and Society. Macmillan Reference Books.
Stearns, D. C., & Sabini, J. (1997). Dyadic adjustment and community involvement in same-sex couples. Journal of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity, 2, 265-283.
Stearns, D. C. (1995). Gendered sexuality: The privileging of sex and gender in sexual orientation. The National Women's Studies Association Journal, 7(1), 8-29.
Stearns, P. N., & Stearns, D. C. (1994). Historical issues in emotions research: Causation and timing. Social Perspectives on Emotion, 2, 239-266.
Stearns, P. N., & Stearns, D. C. (1994). Biology and culture: Toward a new combination. Contention: Debates in Society, Culture, and Science, 3(2), 29-53.
Conference Presentations:
Stearns, D. C. (2012, March). Can I be a feminist and still date men? (Hetero)sexual tensions. In D. C. Stearns (Chair), Feminism as divisive? Panel presented at the Southeastern Women's Studies Association conference, Fairfax, VA.
Stearns, D. C. (2012, January). Fostering critical thinking through interrogating museum exhibits. In M. Bronstein (Chair), Using the community in community college teaching: Dialogues on racial and cultural identity. Panel presented at the Association of Faculties for Advancement of Community College Teaching (AFACCT) conference, Rockville, MD.
Carminati, G. (Chair), Ahuja, A, Siegel, E., & Stearns, D. C. (2011, April). "We Are the Praxis": Challenges and opportunities in community college Women's Studies programs. Panel presented at the Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association conference, Ewing, NJ.
Stearns, D. C. (2011, April). Performing sexual identity. In D. C. Stearns (Chair), Multiplicity: Toward a New Vision of Identities. Panel presented at the Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association conference, Ewing, NJ.
Stearns. D. C. (2011, March). Sexual fluidity and coming out: Challenges and opportunities. In D. C. Stearns (Chair), Sexual identities: Complex, contextual, and fluid. Panel presented at Intersections: Sexuality, Gender, Race and Ethnicity, Baltimore, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2010, June). Gender stereotypes at crotch level: Cultural discourses about genitalia. In D. C. Stearns (Chair), Body language: Stories our bodies tell. Panel presented at the Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association conference, Takoma Park, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2009, April). How sex made me a better teacher. In D. C. Stearns (Chair), Sex in the classroom: Sex education as a transformative practice. Panel presented at the Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association conference, New Brunswick, NJ.
Stearns, D. C. (Chair), Decker, C., Ducey, S., Fuller, J., & Muswamba, K.-N. (2008, January). Getting writing right: Writing in the disciplines at Montgomery College. Panel presented at the Association of Faculties for Advancement of Community College Teaching annual conference, Westminster, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2005, June). Please get your sex out of my face: Ambivalence in public sexual discourse. Paper presented at the International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture, and Society, San Francisco, CA.
Stearns, D. C. (2004, June). Ideological themes in defining pornography: Who's winning? Paper presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Midcontinent and Eastern Regions conference, Madison, WI.
Stearns, D. C., & Crystal, D. S. (2004, April). Emotional self-control and mental health. Poster presented at the 75th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Stearns, D. C. (2003, February). What research is too risky (or risqué)?: Exploring the boundaries of academic freedom. Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA and at the sixth conference of the National Association for Women in Catholic Higher Education, Santa Clara, CA (2002, July).
Stearns, D. C., & Parrott, W. G. (2003, March). Is it better to be guilt‑ridden or ashamed? Perceptions of moral emotions. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Baltimore MD.
Parrott, W. G., & Stearns, D. C. (2002, July). Guilt, shames and their functions. In A. H. Fischer & A. S. R. Manstead (Chairs), The social implications of emotion expression. Symposium conducted at the twelfth conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions, Cuenca, Spain.
Stearns, D. C., & Sabini, J. (2002, February). Is power in couples holistic or domain-specific? Poster presented at the 3rd annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Savannah, GA.
Stearns, D. C., DeSantis, J. M., & Conron, S. J. (2001, April). What makes me want you? Same-sex and cross-sex sexual desire. Poster presented at the 72nd annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Stearns, D. C., & Parrott, W. G. (2001, February). When feeling bad makes you look good: The social functions of guilt and shame. Poster presented at the 2nd annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.
Stearns, D. C., & Sabini, J. (2000, February). Struggling to do the right thing: When does temptation count? In. D. C. Stearns (Chair) Perceiving the moral person. Symposium presented at the 1st annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Nashville, TN.
Stearns, D. C., & Sabini, J. (1999, April). Enjoyment of helping in perceptions of moral actors. Poster presented at the 70th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Providence, RI.
Stearns, D. C., & Sabini, J. (1999, April). When bad things happen after good acts: The effects of actor-relevant hedonic outcome on moral judgments. Poster presented at the 70th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Providence, RI.
Stearns, D. C., & Sabini, J. (1998, June). Resources, norms, and power in same-sex couples. Paper presented at the 9th International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY.
Stearns, D. C. (1996, May). Panel discussant on The Embedded Self: Family, Culture, and the Context of Human Development, 3rd Annual Human Development Student Conference, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Stearns, D. C. (1995, May). Panel discussant on Culture, Narrative, and Mental Health, 2nd Annual Human Development Student Conference, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Other Presentations:
Stearns, D. C. (June, 2012). Infusing Women's and Gender Studies across the curriculum: Strategies for including gender and sexuality in your class. Workshop presented at the Montgomery College Women's Studies Program Summer Colloquium, "It's Complicated: The Art, Study and Politics of Gender Across Disciplines", Rockville, MD. Workshop materials available online at:
Stearns. D. C. (2012, March). Why fear feminism? Presentation as part of the Spring 2012 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2011, December). Ladies' man, loose woman: Is there still a sexual double standard? Presentation as part of the Fall 2011 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Carminati, G., & Moran, M., & Stearns. D. C. (2011, October). Is homophobia dead? Panel presentation as part of LGBTQ History Month at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2010, October). “I Do” – “No, You Don’t!”: The controversy over same-sex marriage. Presentation as part of the Fall 2010 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2010, April & November). The power of the pen: How writing can improve your health. Professional development workshop presented as part of the Writing in the Disciplines program at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2010, April). The cultural roots of belly dance. Presentation as part of Arab-American Heritage Month 2010 at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2010, April). The psychology of prejudice: Anti-Arab attitudes. Presentation as part of Arab-American Heritage Month 2010 at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2010, March). Patrons of the sex industry: Losers, misogynists, or regular guys? Presentation as part of the Spring 2010 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2009, December). Patriarchy ≠ pleasure: Sexism makes for bad sex. Presentation as part of the Fall 2009 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2009, April). What really makes us happy? The science of happiness. Presentation as part of the Spring 2009 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2008, November). Viagra: The solution, or part of the problem? Presentation as part of the Fall 2008 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2008, February). Lusting in your heart: What do your feelings say about you? Presentation as part of the Spring 2008 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2008, October). Wired writing: Writing assignments go online. Presentation as part of the Writing and Technology faculty retreat, Writing in the Disciplines, Montgomery College, Rockville MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2012, January). Fostering critical thinking through interrogating museum exhibits. In M. Bronstein (Chair), Using the community in community college teaching: Dialogues on racial and cultural identity. Panel presented at the Association of Faculties for Advancement of Community College Teaching (AFACCT) conference, Rockville, MD.
Carminati, G. (Chair), Ahuja, A, Siegel, E., & Stearns, D. C. (2011, April). "We Are the Praxis": Challenges and opportunities in community college Women's Studies programs. Panel presented at the Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association conference, Ewing, NJ.
Stearns, D. C. (2011, April). Performing sexual identity. In D. C. Stearns (Chair), Multiplicity: Toward a New Vision of Identities. Panel presented at the Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association conference, Ewing, NJ.
Stearns. D. C. (2011, March). Sexual fluidity and coming out: Challenges and opportunities. In D. C. Stearns (Chair), Sexual identities: Complex, contextual, and fluid. Panel presented at Intersections: Sexuality, Gender, Race and Ethnicity, Baltimore, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2010, June). Gender stereotypes at crotch level: Cultural discourses about genitalia. In D. C. Stearns (Chair), Body language: Stories our bodies tell. Panel presented at the Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association conference, Takoma Park, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2009, April). How sex made me a better teacher. In D. C. Stearns (Chair), Sex in the classroom: Sex education as a transformative practice. Panel presented at the Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association conference, New Brunswick, NJ.
Stearns, D. C. (Chair), Decker, C., Ducey, S., Fuller, J., & Muswamba, K.-N. (2008, January). Getting writing right: Writing in the disciplines at Montgomery College. Panel presented at the Association of Faculties for Advancement of Community College Teaching annual conference, Westminster, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2007, March). What counts as a resource? Asking couples what they value. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Stearns, D. C. (2005, June). Please get your sex out of my face: Ambivalence in public sexual discourse. Paper presented at the International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture, and Society, San Francisco, CA.
Stearns, D. C. (2004, June). Ideological themes in defining pornography: Who's winning? Paper presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Midcontinent and Eastern Regions conference, Madison, WI.
Stearns, D. C., & Crystal, D. S. (2004, April). Emotional self-control and mental health. Poster presented at the 75th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Stearns, D. C. (2003, February). What research is too risky (or risqué)?: Exploring the boundaries of academic freedom. Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Women's Studies Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA and at the sixth conference of the National Association for Women in Catholic Higher Education, Santa Clara, CA (2002, July).
Stearns, D. C., & Parrott, W. G. (2003, March). Is it better to be guilt‑ridden or ashamed? Perceptions of moral emotions. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Baltimore MD.
Parrott, W. G., & Stearns, D. C. (2002, July). Guilt, shames and their functions. In A. H. Fischer & A. S. R. Manstead (Chairs), The social implications of emotion expression. Symposium conducted at the twelfth conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions, Cuenca, Spain.
Stearns, D. C., & Sabini, J. (2002, February). Is power in couples holistic or domain-specific? Poster presented at the 3rd annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Savannah, GA.
Stearns, D. C., DeSantis, J. M., & Conron, S. J. (2001, April). What makes me want you? Same-sex and cross-sex sexual desire. Poster presented at the 72nd annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Stearns, D. C., & Parrott, W. G. (2001, February). When feeling bad makes you look good: The social functions of guilt and shame. Poster presented at the 2nd annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.
Stearns, D. C., & Sabini, J. (2000, February). Struggling to do the right thing: When does temptation count? In. D. C. Stearns (Chair) Perceiving the moral person. Symposium presented at the 1st annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Nashville, TN.
Stearns, D. C., & Sabini, J. (1999, April). Enjoyment of helping in perceptions of moral actors. Poster presented at the 70th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Providence, RI.
Stearns, D. C., & Sabini, J. (1999, April). When bad things happen after good acts: The effects of actor-relevant hedonic outcome on moral judgments. Poster presented at the 70th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Providence, RI.
Stearns, D. C., & Sabini, J. (1998, June). Resources, norms, and power in same-sex couples. Paper presented at the 9th International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY.
Stearns, D. C. (1996, May). Panel discussant on The Embedded Self: Family, Culture, and the Context of Human Development, 3rd Annual Human Development Student Conference, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Stearns, D. C. (1995, May). Panel discussant on Culture, Narrative, and Mental Health, 2nd Annual Human Development Student Conference, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Other Presentations:
Stearns, D. C. (June, 2012). Infusing Women's and Gender Studies across the curriculum: Strategies for including gender and sexuality in your class. Workshop presented at the Montgomery College Women's Studies Program Summer Colloquium, "It's Complicated: The Art, Study and Politics of Gender Across Disciplines", Rockville, MD. Workshop materials available online at:
Stearns. D. C. (2012, March). Why fear feminism? Presentation as part of the Spring 2012 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2011, December). Ladies' man, loose woman: Is there still a sexual double standard? Presentation as part of the Fall 2011 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Carminati, G., & Moran, M., & Stearns. D. C. (2011, October). Is homophobia dead? Panel presentation as part of LGBTQ History Month at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2010, October). “I Do” – “No, You Don’t!”: The controversy over same-sex marriage. Presentation as part of the Fall 2010 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2010, April & November). The power of the pen: How writing can improve your health. Professional development workshop presented as part of the Writing in the Disciplines program at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2010, April). The cultural roots of belly dance. Presentation as part of Arab-American Heritage Month 2010 at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2010, April). The psychology of prejudice: Anti-Arab attitudes. Presentation as part of Arab-American Heritage Month 2010 at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2010, March). Patrons of the sex industry: Losers, misogynists, or regular guys? Presentation as part of the Spring 2010 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2009, December). Patriarchy ≠ pleasure: Sexism makes for bad sex. Presentation as part of the Fall 2009 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2009, April). What really makes us happy? The science of happiness. Presentation as part of the Spring 2009 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2008, November). Viagra: The solution, or part of the problem? Presentation as part of the Fall 2008 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2008, February). Lusting in your heart: What do your feelings say about you? Presentation as part of the Spring 2008 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2008, October). Wired writing: Writing assignments go online. Presentation as part of the Writing and Technology faculty retreat, Writing in the Disciplines, Montgomery College, Rockville MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2007, November). Intimate power: How can we create egalitarian relationships? Presentation as part of the Fall 2007 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2007, March). The porn wars: Dangerous perversion, patriarchal violence, or harmless fun? Presentation as part of the Spring 2007 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2006, October). Gay, bi, lesbian, or straight? Sexual orientation is not categorical. Presentation as part of the Fall 2006 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2006, March). Is love enough? The science of intimate relationships. Presentation as part of the Spring 2006 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (1998, December). Easy virtue and immoral appetites: Desire in the impressions of moral actors. Invited presentation at the meeting of the Capital Area Social Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Stearns, D. C. (1998, June). The cultural construction of mental illness. Invited presentation at the Cultural Psychiatry Seminar, George Washington University.
Stearns, D. C., & Sabini, J. (1998, March). Resources and the balance of power in cross-sex couples. Poster presented at the Scholar’s Showcase at the George Washington University, Washington, DC.
Stearns, D. C. (1997, April). Resources, power, and satisfaction in same-sex couples. Paper presented at the Faculty Seminar on Sex and Gender at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Stearns, D. C. (1997, March). Bisexual women. Paper presented at Horizons Community Services, Chicago, IL.
Stearns, D. C. (1996, April). When push comes to shove: Power in cross-sex couples. Paper presented at the Culture and Mental Health workshop at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Stearns, D. C. (1994, October). Easy virtue and immoral appetites: Desire in the impressions of moral actors. Paper presented at the Cross-Cultural workshop at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Co-investigator, When Push Comes to Shove: Power in Romantic Relationships. Principal investigator: John Sabini. University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation, Type A grant (#3-70451). 1993-1995, $4,980
Factors affecting perceptions of moral acts and moral actors.
Stearns, D. C. (2007, March). The porn wars: Dangerous perversion, patriarchal violence, or harmless fun? Presentation as part of the Spring 2007 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2006, October). Gay, bi, lesbian, or straight? Sexual orientation is not categorical. Presentation as part of the Fall 2006 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (2006, March). Is love enough? The science of intimate relationships. Presentation as part of the Spring 2006 Psychology Brown Bag Series at Montgomery College, Rockville, MD.
Stearns, D. C. (1998, December). Easy virtue and immoral appetites: Desire in the impressions of moral actors. Invited presentation at the meeting of the Capital Area Social Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Stearns, D. C. (1998, June). The cultural construction of mental illness. Invited presentation at the Cultural Psychiatry Seminar, George Washington University.
Stearns, D. C., & Sabini, J. (1998, March). Resources and the balance of power in cross-sex couples. Poster presented at the Scholar’s Showcase at the George Washington University, Washington, DC.
Stearns, D. C. (1997, April). Resources, power, and satisfaction in same-sex couples. Paper presented at the Faculty Seminar on Sex and Gender at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Stearns, D. C. (1997, March). Bisexual women. Paper presented at Horizons Community Services, Chicago, IL.
Stearns, D. C. (1996, April). When push comes to shove: Power in cross-sex couples. Paper presented at the Culture and Mental Health workshop at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Stearns, D. C. (1994, October). Easy virtue and immoral appetites: Desire in the impressions of moral actors. Paper presented at the Cross-Cultural workshop at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Co-investigator, When Push Comes to Shove: Power in Romantic Relationships. Principal investigator: John Sabini. University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation, Type A grant (#3-70451). 1993-1995, $4,980
Factors affecting perceptions of moral acts and moral actors.
Power, resources, and satisfaction in couples.
Gender, sexuality, and culture.
Fellowships and professional development (selected):
Fellowships and professional development (selected):
- Smithsonian Fellow, Montgomery College, 2011
- Center for Teaching and Learning Fellow in Writing in the Disciplines, Montgomery College, Spring 2007
- Participant in Women's Studies Summer Institute: On Integrating Women's Studies into Departmental Offerings, Georgetown University, May 2000.
- Received certification with commendation in WebTycho training for online course instruction, University of Maryland University College, Dec. 2001.
- Received certification in WebCT training for online course instruction, Montgomery College, Aug. 2003.
Service (selected):
- Safe Zone trainer, Montgomery College, 2010-present
- Writing in the Disciplines campus contact, Montgomery College, Fall 2007-present
- Writing, Reading, and Language Center Advisory Board member, Montgomery College, Fall 2007-present
- Webmaster, Psychology Department, Montgomery College, Fall 2009-present
- Founder and organizer of the Psychology Brown Bag Series, Montgomery College (Rockville campus), Spring 2006 - present
- Psychology Internship mentor, in conjunction with Montgomery County Public Schools (Wootton and Walter Johnson High Schools), 2002-present
- Women's Studies Program Advisory Board member, Georgetown University, 2000-2001
- Faculty Advisor, Georgetown College, 1999-2001
External activities (selected):
- Consultant, National Academy of Sciences, 2002
- Consultant, Institute for Women's Policy Research, 2000-2001
- APA Division 35 liaison to the Committee for Women in Psychology; 2000-2001
- Ad hoc reviewer: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Psychological Bulletin
Available by request